Alberta announces new  efforts to expand oil and gas pipeline capacity

Started by bosmftha, 2025-01-08 13:59

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Alberta announces new  efforts to expand oil and gas pipeline capacity with  Enbridge.
It's all part of the Conservative  government's united efforts to double oil production and increase exports to the  U.S.
Danielle Smith with Greg Ebel
Premier Danielle Smith and Enbridge Inc. CEO Greg Ebel shared details  of a formal working agreement to increase pipeline capacity in pursuit of  their goal  of doubling crude oil production and  increasing exports to the  U.S. in  Calgary.
The Alberta government is partnering with Calgary-based pipeline company Enbridge Inc. to increase the  capacity of the province's oil and gas  pipelines.
The agreement  will begin with a new formal working group between Enbridge and the Alberta Petroleum Marketing Commission, a  crown corporation.
Premier Danielle Smith  said they  are focusing on streamlining regulations and permitting approvals, and expanding opportunities along  Enbridge's 29,000-kilometre  network. It's all part of her  Conservative-led government's  efforts to double oil production and increase exports to the United  States.
Instead of investing taxpayer  money directly into pipeline projects,  Smith said, the province will look to  provide capacity  using oil and gas paid in-kind to the government instead of financial  royalties.
She says the province has a responsibility to ensure  market access for its oil and natural  gas, noting that Alberta exports more than 4.3 million barrels of crude oil to the  United States.