A watchdog discovers that FBI informants attended the Capitol riot, but no agent

Started by bosmftha, Dec 13, 2024, 05:02 AM

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Although the FBI identified  the potential for violence that day and took  "appropriate" action, it missed a  "fundamental step" by  failing to probe its field  agents for potential  intelligence.
This step, in turn,  "could have  assisted the FBI and its law enforcement partners  in their  preparations" in anticipation of the  unrest.
About 1,572 people have been charged criminally in federal court for their participation in the  riots.
That figure includes  about 600  people charged with  assault, resisting or  obstructing law enforcement  officers and 171 charged with using a deadly or dangerous  weapon.
Trump — who has  called the rioters  "patriots" and  "political prisoners" — said in a recent interview that he  was "moving very  quickly" to pardon  the "vast majority" of  those involved in the  riots. Despite the president-elect's promise, the  Justice Department has continued to arrest and charge  suspected participants in the  riots in recent weeks.