3 men wanted in armed jewellery store robbery in downtown Toronto, 5 arrests mad

Started by bosmftha, 2024-07-10 01:55

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  Toronto police have released photos of three men wanted in  connection  with  an  armed  robbery  of  a  downtown  jewelry  store  in  late  2023.
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  Authorities were called to the Yonge Street and Dundas Street East area  in  December.  December  13, 2023,  due  to  ongoing  theft  complaints.

  It  is  reported  that eight  men  traveling  in two stolen  vehicles  walked  to  a  jewelry  store  and seven suspects  wearing  masks  entered. Police said one suspect was armed with a  gun  and  fired  through  a glass  door  while others smashed display cases with  hammers.
  According  to  police,  a  suspect  struck  a victim  in  the head with a  gun,  causing  minor injuries. The group of men  stole  a quantity of  jewelry  and
fled the scene in the stolen vehicles.
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