Vatican Banishes Archbishop Who Branded Pope Francis Servant Of Satan

Started by bosmftha, 2024-07-07 14:37

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An ultra-conservative archbishop has been excommunicated by the Vatican after being found guilty of schism.
   Schism is one of the   most  serious  crimes in canon law and occurs when someone   abandons  submission to the   pope  or his Catholic subjects.
   Carlo Maria Vigano   was  the   Vatican's  ambassador to the   United  States  from 2011 to   2016,  but went   underground  in 2018.
   This came after he   claimed  that  Pope Francis knew about   the  sexual misconduct   of  American  Cardinal  Theodore  McCarrickand  and did nothing about it.
   The Vatican has   denied  this claim. 
   Vigano also   called  the   pope  a   "false  prophet"  and a   "false  prophet."  and  "servant  of   Satan"  before calling   on  him to resign.
   The   Vatican's  magisterium  announced the  excommunication   --  or banishment   --  of  the  83-year-old  man  on Friday.
   He  said his previous comments made  clear   his  refusal  to  "recognize  and   impose  the  law"  on  the head of the Roman Catholic Church.
   Vigano had also rejected the legitimacy of liberal reforms   implemented  by the church in the 1960s,   he  added.

   The statement   said:  "At  the   end  of the   criminal  proceedings,  Bishop  Carlo Maria Vigano was found guilty of the reserved   crime  (violation of the law) of   schism.
   The excommunication means Vigano is   officially  outside the church and cannot celebrate or receive its sacraments, such as   communion.
   As   usual,  the   sentence  was signed by the head of the   Office  for  the  Doctrine of the Faith   and  not  the   pope  himself, but   it  is  highly unlikely   that  the punishment was   carried  out.  given without his   consent.
   In  response,  they  will start   screaming."  andquot; 
   Vigano has   built  a following of like-minded ultra-conservatives over the   years  who  have  engaged  in  conspiracy theories and   dubbed  the coronavirus pandemic the   "Great  Reset."
   In a post  last month, he   criticized  the   Vatican's  proceedings against him and accused Pope Francis of   advocating  an   "inclusive,  pro-immigration,  environmentally  sustainable  and   gay-friendly"  society.  Church.