Many people believe that there is no history in Africa.

Started by bosmftha, 2024-11-08 02:29

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Many people believe that there is no history in Africa. Nevertheless, historical and archaeological research has demonstrated that Africa's past is more extensive and rich than ancient historians have attempted to convince us. 1. Humans are descended from Africans. East African sites have yielded the earliest known skeleton remains of anatomically modern humans, or Homo sapiens. The oldest known human remains were found in Omo, Ethiopia, and they are 195,000 years old. 2. Between 4 and 5 million years ago, prehuman remains were found in Africa. Australopithecus ramidus is considered to be the oldest known ancestor variety of humans, having existed at least 4.4 million years ago. 3. Fishing excursions were originally planned by Africans 90,000 years ago long time ago. A number of exquisitely carved harpon tips, all perfectly polished and barbed, were found in Katanda, an area in northern Zaire (now Congo). An equally well-designed item, which is thought to be a dagger, was also found. The results point to the existence of the first fish-based or aquatic culture. 4. 43,000 years ago, Africans began mining for the first time. On the Bomvu crest in the Ngwenya mountain range in Swaziland, a hematite mine was found in 1964. Many thousands of stone mining tools were among the 300,000 objects that were eventually found. One of the archaeologists on the site, Adrian Boshier, determined that the mine was an incredible 43,200 years old. 5. Basic math was invented by Africans 25,000 years ago. The bone of Ishango is a tool handle at Lake Edward in the Ishango region of Zaire (now Congo) that has etched notches. At first, it was believed that the bone instrument was more than 8,000 years old.